Friday, December 24

A Christmas Wonderland

Set on upholding my own personal holiday tradition, I started singing along to Christmas music on my iPod the very day after Thanksgiving. Without my usual Christmas triggers (snowflakes, snowmen, school cancellations, and Christmas decorating), I was bound and determined to get into the Christmas spirit! (And secretly hoping, wishing, and praying for snow!)

In early December, the Christmas trees went up in the Lodge lounge and in the Saigon staff quarters. About a week later, a package arrived for me from Mom, Dad, and Cate which I dutifully placed under the tree, resisting with all my might the “Oh just open it!!” remarks from my merry co-workers. *sigh*

Despite the glowing tree lights, presents, and humming hundreds of Christmas carols, it still wasn't feeling like Christmas. But, there was still time.

In mid-December, the Milford pub hosted a themed Christmas party for the Lodge staff. But, instead of cotton-topped Santa hats, pointy elf ears, and a room filled with red and green, the Milford Lodge gang arrived as a hodge-podge of interesting creatures. Our “Christmas” theme? Futuristic! We had in attendance Beer-Bot the Robot, Avatar, Wilson the Extra Head, Future Asian, and the Bearded Milford Man – each an interpretation of what we thought the “future” might look like. Oh, it was a merry night alright! Nothing like the “Bite My Box” game to get the crowd all Holly and Jolly! :-D

A few days later, for a bit o' Christmas fun (and as a gift to the person I was Secret Santa for), I rewrote the lyrics to “The 12 Days of Christmas” and turned it into “The Milford 12 Days of Christmas.” Go on, sing along ;-)

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me,

12 guests a-scratchin'

11 waterfalls fallin'

10 boats a cruisin'

9 kayaks paddlin'

8 dolphins swimmin'

7 trampers stinkin'

6 seals layin'


4 chalet views

3 woofers

2 cheeky keas

And a Tui in a beech tree!

The Christmas spirit was finally starting to seep in! I whipped up a batch of “Reindeer Poop Cookies” (my favorite chocolatey, peanut buttery, oatmealy plops of No-bake goodness!) and wrote a sweet little Christmas note to accompany them:

Santa's reindeer came for a visit and shit on the roof... Help Yourself! ~ Anna

The entire batch had disappeared by the next day. What can I say? It's some good shit!

Now, it was less than a week till Christmas! And apparently in Milford, that means weather like you wouldn't believe. As I chilled out in the staff lounge, belting out Christmas tunes with Rosie O'Donnell, a needle and thread in hand, repairing a few holes in my travel-worn clothes, I was simultaneously keeping my fingers tightly crossed in hopes that the whole of Milford wouldn't get swept away by the torrential downpour of rain that had raised the river substantially in the last few hours. Not to mention, the entire foundation of Saigon was moaning LOUDLY in protest at the powerful wind, like the class nerd boldly refusing to give up his lunch money to the school bully. In the end, I couldn't help myself. I dawned my Santa hat, invited along my friend Crystal, and the two of us went bounding happily through the parking lot jumping smack-dab in the center of every puddle we could see! Merry *SPLASH!* Christmas!!

The heavy rain and brutal wind didn't end there. I think Mother Nature and Old Man Milford had gotten bored of quiet romantic picnics and decided to go out for a crazy night of dancing and drinking at the hippest dance club. The morning must have brought with it a wicked hangover as Milford suffered nearly 10 power outages and two road closings (because of a tree slide road block) over the next few days. Milford was getting exciting!! Not only exciting, but incredibly, stupendously, and awesomely beautiful. Just this week, I've witnessed some of the most stunning scenes of Milford that I have seen since I arrived here. The mountains became vertically striped with hundreds of white, flowy, watery ribbons, some splitting at the middle, like the silky ends of a graduation tassel. And all around, the clouds shimmered and hovered, gently caressing and protecting the fragile greenery that clung so desperately to the plunging mountain face.

A Christmas Wonderland.

And, in the midst of this summer storm, I sit, cozy and dry, listening, writing, sipping Hot Peppermint Chocolate, and simply grinning at the dangerously beautiful nature that surrounds me this Christmas. I have much to be thankful for as I reminisce about all that I've seen and done in 2010. It's been one hell of a year, and I am so happy to be able to share it with you. Family, friends, and loved ones are what give meaning to the Christmas season. You are all in my thoughts as I count my blessing of the old year to make ready for the new.

Happy and content, I look over my shoulder to glance out the window again at the magical view of the Fiordland. My eyes widen and my grin broadens – a fresh snow dusted mountain top. Wishes do come true! It looks like it's going to be a white Christmas after all.

May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white.

Peace and Love, Anna


  1. cool!
    merry xmas dear anna :)
    big hug!

  2. Many thanks to you for reminding me that jumping in rain puddles still makes everything better. I hope we never grow up.
