Monday, January 10

My Milford Must Do's

After the holly, jollyness of Christmas and a very pub-friendly New Years, I was becoming increasingly more aware that my time in Milford was, in effect, beginning to evaporate. This fact was both alarming (How could I possibly leave such a wonderful place??) and thrilling (Alrighty! Where to next?!). But, I had some “Milford Must Dos” to check off my list before my final farewell. And, I had less than two weeks to do it. Ready, set, CHECK!

Must Do #1: Land on Big Bay

On New Years Eve day, I got a unique opportunity to take a scenic flight to Big Bay – an area of the Fiordland that is seen by very few people, mostly a handful of hikers or hunters, who have completed the Hollyford Track and request an airplane pick up from the Milford pilots. On this particular occasion, I accompanied Jenni, the Air Fiordland pilot, on a bumpy ride over the Milford Sound, along the West Coast, and ending with a surprisingly smooth beach landing on Big Bay where we picked up two stinky hunters and their shot of the week. Seeing the Fiordland from above is such a cool way to experience this area. I stared out the window in awe at the miles and miles of layered, green mountains that seemed to merge into the gray and foggy horizon. Incredible.

Must Do #2: Take a Late-Night Stroll

When I first arrived in Milford, my friend Elodie told me: “If you only do one thing in Milford while you're here, walk home from the pub at night. It's so worth it. You'll see why.” Well, I was at the pub, it was after midnight, and it was time to be getting back. So, I recruited my Alaskan friend Crystal to join me on my after dark stroll back to the Lodge. I suppose I should also mention that on this very night, the rain goddess had decided to take a particularly long shower with no regard whatsoever for water conservation. In other words, it was pissing down. Crystal and I couldn't have been more thrilled! Within minutes we were drenched to the bone (my black rubbish bag apparently not being a suitable alternative for a rain jacket...). It was so dark that I couldn't even see Crystal walking beside me, much less attempt to avoid the potholes filled to the brim with rainwater. But the coolest thing, by far, were the glowworms. It was as though the stars had broken loose and rolled down the mountainside, only to get stuck in and amongst the bush. With all the rain we'd been getting, the little buggers were extra hungry and they glowed with all their might – like teeny-tiny lanterns that did squat-shit for lighting the way. Awfully pretty though :-)

Must Do #3: Find the Secret Rock Pools

I give full credit to my friend Michelle for bringing me to this awesome place!! For two afternoons in a row, a small group of us 'locals' took a drive up to the Rock Pools (*secret location not disclosed*). Here, we spent hours basking beneath a cloudless sky on sun-warmed rocks with a glittering, waterfall fed pool just beside us for a easy cool-down. It was January and feeling like summer. Freakin' awesome!!

Must Do #4: Eat Some Glacier

With some serious perfect timing and a stroke of good luck, I somehow found myself strapped into the backseat of a helicopter, flying over the Fiords, and landing lightly on a Lord-knows-how-old glacier. If there is ever a good time to use the word “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” this would be it! I mean, holy WOW!! I couldn't have kept the smile off my face if my life depended on it. To top it all off, I was wearing a sundress over my swimsuit with sandals on my feet. On a GLACIER! It could easily have been the excitement keeping me warm, but I didn't feel chilled in the slightest! I skipped carefully across the wet snow, watching out for crevices, crevasses, and other things I could potentially fall into. Then, I stole something. I stole a brilliant idea from my friend Crystal. Scooping up a handful of glacier, I took one glance (nope, not yellow!) and took a big bite. Mmm, ancient glacier ice! It's a delicacy here in NZ, don't cha know?

As hard hard as it was to say goodbye to my fellow Milfordonians, I was excited be on my way and explore the West Coast of the South Island for my last month in New Zealand! After a deep clean of Rapid Room #11 and lots of warm hugs from my wonderful, worldly friends, I hopped a plane to Queenstown. I quietly waved goodbye to Mitre Peak, Lady Bowen, and the hundreds of teeny tiny camper vans from my prime seat in the sky. A view for the perfect Milford farewell.

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